Brand Experience
Digital B2B platform
There is one thing we at SCHMIDHUBER are particularly good at: keeping a cool head in hot situations and still focusing on finding the right solutions. This is also the case when a pandemic turns the world upside down and planned trade fairs and events are cancelled. In these situations we recognize the opportunity to break new ground and push the boundaries further.

Therefore, in 2020, we implemented a digital B2B alternative concept for Siemens. The result was a virtual brand platform, which we developed further with our partners from Blackspace in the following year, enabling the usual professional and individual communication with dealers far away from an exhibition hall.

Die persönlichen Gespräche mit unseren Partnern:innen im Handel waren auf der IFA immer ein fester Bestandteil unseres Erfolges. Nun gilt es, mit einer virtuellen Plattform an diese zwölfjährige Erfolgsgeschichte nahtlos anzuknüpfen und Handel sowie Konsumenten von innovativen Hausgeräten zu begeistern.
Volker Klodwig | Executive Vice President Sales BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
Welcome to the
Virtual Loft
The Siemens product range is presented in the form of a virtual loft – the epitome of the modern, urban lifestyle. The focus of the Siemens Loft is on the Innovation Kitchen with five outstanding new products. These reflect the technological and design expertise of Europe’s No.1 built-in brand.

Experience Center
The communication concept provides detailed information on new market launches, plenty of moving images for better understanding, tailored solutions, and special PoS offers.

Exhibition 2.0
Creating closeness through digital live experience and making the brand tangible was both the greatest incentive and the greatest challenge during the conception phase. The result was an urban loft that is in no way inferior to the trade show presentations of the last IFA years.
The only difference? The loft was set up in the Eisbach studios in Munich and B2B as well as customers experience the product innovations via video material and through moderated demonstrations. Technical data can be studied in front of the computer in peace and quiet, and one-on-one discussions can be held with more focus than would otherwise be the case in the hustle of the trade show.

Projekte, Inhalte und Themen, die sie auch interessieren könnten:

Virtual Realities
Kaldewei | ISH

Digital Fun Drive
Software AG | Fun Drive

Interactive Worlds
Sony | IFA

Digital Worlds
Vaillant | ISH
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