We support
young talents
The Deutschland Stipendium
Together with the University of Mainz we award the Deutschlandstipendium. We support students with outstanding achievements in the field of interior design.
Education is our highest good. With the Deutschlandstipendium we go above and beyond common practice, in order to empower our young talents. In addition to the financial support, a mentor from our agency accompanies the scholarship. Thereby investing in all our future. It’s a win win situation
Petra Elm | Talent Management bei SCHMIDHUBER
The Idea
The Federal Ministry of Education launched the Deutschlandstipendium in the winter semester of 2011, thus laying the foundation for the establishment of a new, strong scholarship culture. In addition to BAföG, need-based education loans and the scholarships of the organisations for the promotion of the gifted, a fourth, strong pillar of student financing is to be established.

Who will be
Support is given to high-achieving and goal-oriented students who are socially or civically engaged and/or have to overcome special hurdles in their educational history. Bachelor’s and Master’s students can apply for the Deutschlandstipendium from the first semester onwards.

In the summer semester of 2022, we are not only pleased to support a dedicated student through our scholarship, but also welcome her to our team as a working student.
What ist the role of the brand in this change?
The brand must be an opinion leader. This means that it transfers the relevant technologies into a product, shapes the future at the key points of innovation and, last but not least, decisively shapes new paradigms, such as user guidance in UX/UI design.
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir in diesem Jahr trotz der anhaltenden Corona-Situation die höchste Zahl an Stipendien seit Einführung dieser Auszeichnung einwerben konnten. Unser ausdrücklicher Dank gilt den Förderern, deren Unterstützung angesichts der aktuellen Lage alles andere als selbstverständlich ist
Prof. Dr. Susanne Weissman | Präsidentin der Hochschule Mainz

Sounds like you?
Go ahead!
Young ambitious talents are always welcomed for joining our team.
For more information about the Deutschlandstipendium click here or contact us directly.
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