We love Gold.
Innovation and creativity are anchored in our DNA. More than 300 international awards won are a valuable confirmation that motivates and drives us. And best of all: We are the creative agency #1!
For over three years we were ranked #1 in the creative rankings of the renowned industry media W+V and Horizont in the category communication in space.
It’s not the pursuit of recognition or prestige that drives us. Instead, it’s the satisfied clients and epic projects. We are motivated by the emotional responses our showcases generate. And being able to contribute to our client’s brand success. If we are able to impress industry experts and juries along the way, then that’s an added bonus.
Susanne Schmidhuber | Founding Partner von SCHMIDHUBER
Awards - for what?
Award juries are made up of high-calibre designers and industry experts who evaluate all works under strict guidelines for design quality, innovation and significance. An award is therefore always an independent and credible recognition. It brings our clients positioning, prestige and PR. And also of course for us as a design agency.
to have
you here.
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