Transforma­tion Matters
Sustainable transport solutions
Our first trade fair appearances for the CABKA Group are entirely under the motto “Transformation”. Transformation in corporate design, communication and above all the mindset.

As part of our new client Cabka’s corporate identity, the medium of SPACE was revisioned to incorporate the themes of sustainability, recycling and innovation. The trade fair kit is completely modular, which allows it to be reused in different locations.
Fabian Schubert | Client Manager at SCHMIDHUBER

and sustainable
Circular, sustainable and super progressive. At the FACHPACK and Solutrans trade fairs, we translated design and communication into tangible space.

Mit SCHMIDHUBER haben wir einen idealen Partner gefunden, der unsere Markenbotschaften verstanden und in den Raum übersetzt hat. Unser Auftritt war ein Blickfang in der Messehalle und wir konnten unsere Neuheiten und Trends einem breiten Publikum präsentieren.
XXX | Cabka
transport solutions
Out new client Cabka offers innovative, sustainabe and cross-sector transport solutions . We believe that sustainability and progressive thinking should not be hidden!

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Headquarter Welcome Passage
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