Entering the
BSH Brand World
Siemens and Bosch at IFA 2023
At the upcoming IFA 2023 in Berlin, a unique experience awaits visitors, tempting them to dive deep into the fascinating brand worlds of BSH Home Appliances. Thanks to SCHMIDHUBER’s innovative and impactful stand design, the trade fair experience becomes a tangible journey into the future of living.
The Gardens of Intelligence
Welcome to the “Gardens of Intelligence” by Siemens! A place where visitors find themselves at the interface between innovative technology and sustainability. Each area—whether it be the “Garden of Aromas,” the “Garden of Intelligence,” or the “Garden of Innovation”—offers an immersive and diverse environment that provides an unforgettable experience.
“Unsere Marken stehen für einen modernen Lebensstil mit technischen Innovationen, einem hohen ästhetischen Anspruch und einem nachhaltigen Umgang mit Ressourcen. Unser Ziel ist es, die Lebensqualität der Menschen zu verbessern und auf der IFA zeigen wir eindrücklich, was nachhaltiger Fortschritt für uns bedeutet.”
Nina Wiemer | Head of Live Communication Central Europe bei der BSH Home Appliances Group
Garden of Aromas: Here, it’s all about the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, stimulating the senses and brightening up the start of the day.
Garden of Intelligence: Here, the focus is on intelligent solutions, which simplify everyday life and facilitate sustainable living.
Garden of Freshness: Here, the mantra is clear: A healthy diet demands fresh food. And innovative technologies that help visitors prolong a food’s shelf life are proudly presented.
Garden of Innovation: Here, and under the motto “Discare”—an amalgam of “dish” and “care”—revolutionary dishwashers demonstrate great cleaning and great resource-saving at the same time.
Garden of Delight: Here, Siemens demonstrate how their appliances can transform cooking and baking from chore to pleasure.
Garden of Care: Here, a haven of everyday household solutions is on display—all there to lighten the load and support the entire family.
Home Connect IFA 2023: Designing the future home
The Home Connect stand gives visitors a direct opportunity to experience the smart home of tomorrow. With an impressive mirror room, accompanied by captivating media coverage, and an interactive show with survey options, visitors experience for themselves how technology can be seamlessly integrated into everyday life.
We have created a sensational brand showcase that turns BSH Home Appliances into a tangible brand—opening up a totally new dimension in the future of home life.
Planet Care
“Enter Planet Care”—it is under this banner that Bosch invites visitors to engage even deeper. Individual areas such as the “Care Carousel,” the “Care Parcour” or the “Product Exhibitions” provide immersive environments. But this is no passive experience. Here, visitors can actively engage with Bosch products and see their impact on creating a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.
„Seit 10 Jahren in Folge sind wir als Generalübernehmer und –planer Partner der BSH für den Siemens-Messeauftritt auf der IFA. Die digitale Entwicklung ist im Bereich Home Appliance sehr agil und innovativ geworden und parallel dazu haben sich natürlich auch Veränderungen in der Live Kommunikation ergeben. Der diesjährige Auftritt der BSH ist über alle Formate und Kanäle vernetzt und damit ein enorm wichtiger Baustein im modernen Marketing Mix der Marke BSH.“
Jan Domin | Partner bei SCHMIDHUBER und Client Manager für die BSH
Care Carousel: This area demonstrates an overview of all Bosch home appliance solutions to promote healthy and sustainable living.
Care Parcour: This area provides an interactive experience for visitors, demonstrating how Bosch products promote healthy and sustainable living.
Product Exhibitions: This area showcases Bosch’s innovative solutions that promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Photos © Jörg Hempel, Aachen
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