Talk with
Timm Wilks
Why is it more important than ever to get to the heart of the content?
First of all, progress opens up many new possibilities: through innovation, products and experiences become simpler, faster and more intuitive. We can also notice this in the dissemination of information, which is also becoming faster, more understandable and more democratic.
Back in 1979, the Buggles sang “Video killed the Radio Star.” Today, it would be “Social Media killed the Television Star.”
Timm Wilks | Creative Director & Partner at SCHMIDHUBER
At the same time, traditional functions and media do not simply disappear: as early as 1979, the Buggles sang: “Video killed the Radio Star”. Today we would have to say “Social Media killed the Television Star”.
In retrospect, of course, we also know that this is not true – apart from a transitional phase, perhaps. Real stars know which media they use and how they have to communicate there. Otherwise they wouldn’t be stars.
But it shows the complexity that is increasingly emerging: each new medium complements the previous ones and does not displace them. The communication channels are becoming more multifaceted and the target groups can be addressed more diversely. Products and content are also becoming more complex and in need of explanation. Globally, this means that a flood of information is hitting the user.
What is the role of the brand in this change?
The brand must be an opinion leader. This means that it transfers the relevant technologies into a product, shapes the future at the key points of innovation and, last but not least, decisively shapes new paradigms, such as user guidance in UX/UI design.
That’s a big task!
Yes – and simplicity plays a major role in all these tasks: not only in the technology which is hidden in the background, but also in the handling of this technology. The user must be able to intervene in the technology at the most relevant functions – the complexity must migrate into the system.
What is the role of SCHMIDHUBER in this change?
The approach of transferring complexities into the system also reflects a crucial role in communication: we have to find the most relevant messages, convey them simply and at the same time design them in such a way that the system behind them is intuitively understood.
In the end, it is up to the user to decide whether they want to delve deeper into the content at the respective points or whether they have already understood everything in the core message. The latter is, of course, the most desirable.
Can you give us an example?
Turn your data into time! Of course, at Schmidhuber we work in space. But a good brand experience starts with simple messages:
For our client Software AG, for example, we launched the “Turn your data into business” campaign. As one of the leading providers of business platforms (e.g. IoT, integration, API management) it was important to focus on the B2B sector.
On the one hand, there is a powerful software with many features that offers new possibilities for product development – and on the other hand, decision-makers with a quick grasp who want to understand its benefits.
We did justice to this dialectic with our claim on all channels: with a simple adaptation of the claim, we were able to address every target group on every channel without losing focus. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn – and even in space.
That’s the perfect keyword: how does Schmidhuber show communication in space?
This can be summed up simply: we transform messages into a unique experience!
The technology we use in order to create this experience depends on the message. Whether it’s an interactive exhibit, an app, graphics, a show or scenography – every means is subordinate to the message.
As Andrea already describes in her article “The Material is the Message” – derived from Marshall McLuhan’s “The Medium is the Message”: If the medium carries the message, it is easier for the user to understand it intuitively and authentically.
One single touch tells the user more, than a thousand words.
Timm Wilks | Creative Director & Partner bei SCHMIDHUBER
Also with regard to technology: it is already the message, the interaction serves to understand the message. And if the right animations, texts and images are integrated, the staging speaks more than a thousand words.
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